



  • 职称:讲师
  • 通讯地址:湖北工业大学轻工学部材料科学与工程学院
  • 邮编:430068
  • E-mail:zhangyifan@hbut.edu.cn
  • 工作经历
  • 荣获奖励
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  • 研究方向
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  • 研究成果

    2011.9-2015.6 成都理工大学材料与化学化工学院,获工学学士学位
    2015. 9-2021.12 东华大学纺织学院,获工学博士学位
    2017. 3-2018.12 厦门大学软物质研究院 联合培养博士
    2018.12-2020.5 新加坡国立大学生物物理系 联合培养博士
    2021.12至今 湖北工业大学 讲师



        [1] Yifan Zhang, Caifeng Chen, et al. Meso-Reconstruction of Silk Fibroin based on Molecular and Nano-Templates for Electronic Skin in Medical Applications [J]. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021:2100150. (一区,IF:18.8)
        [2] Yifan Zhang, Chen Hou, et al. Reconstructed Silk Fibroin Mediated Smart Wristband for Physiological Signal Detection[J]. Chemical Engineering Journa. 2021.132362.(一区,IF:13.2)
        [3] Yifan Zhang, Huang Tu, et al. Programing Performance of Silk Fibroin Superstrong Scaffolds by Mesoscopic Regulation among Hierarchical Structures[J]. Biomacromolecules. 2020, 21(10): 4169-4179. (一区,IF:6.9)
        [4] Yifan Zhang, Ronghui Wu, et al. Enhanced mechanical performance of biocompatible silk fibroin films through mesoscopic construction of hierarchical structures[J]. Textile Research Journal. 2020, 10.1177/0040517520975622. (二区,IF:1.8)
        [5] Lei Wang,* Simin Peng, Aniruddha Patil, Jungang Jiang, Yifan Zhang,* and Chunyu Chang. Enzymatic crosslinked silk fibroin hydrogel for biodegradable electronic skin and pulse waveforms measurements, Biomacromolecules. 2022 23 (8), 3429-3438.
        [6] Liyun Ma, Ronghui Wu, Aniruddha Patil, Shuihong Zhu, Zhaohui Meng, Haiqiang Meng, Chen Hou, Yifan Zhang, et al. Full-Textile Wireless Flexible Humidity Sensor for Human Physiological Monitoring[J]. Advanced Functional Materials. 2019, 29(43).
        [7] Liyun Ma, Mengjuan Zhou, Ronghui Wu, Aniruddha Patil, Hao Gong, Shuihong Zhu, Tingting Wang, Yifan Zhang, et al. Continuous and Scalable Manufacture of Hybridized Nano-Micro Triboelectric Yarns for Energy Harvesting and Signal Sensing[J]. ACS Nano. 2020, 14(4): 4716–4726.
        [8] Lei Wang, Jun Yin, Jungang Jiang, Yifan Zhang, et al. Revealing G-lignin model compounds pyrolysis behavior: β-O-4 and 5-5′ dimer and trimer. Fuel, 2022, 317:123531.
        [9] Lei Wang, Xiaohan Li, Jungang Jianga, Yifan Zhang, et al. Revealing structural and functional specificity of lignin from tobacco stalk during deep eutectic solvents deconstruction aiming to targeted valorization. Industrial Crops & Products, 2022, 180: 114696.
        [10] Lei Wang, Xinyi Zhu, Xue Chen, YifanZhang, et al. Isolation and characteristics of nanocellulose from hardwood pulp via phytic acid pretreatment. Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 182: 114921.
        [11] Wu, R; Ma, L; Liu, S; Patil, AB; Hou, C; Zhang, Y, et al. Fibrous inductance strain sensors for passive inductance textile sensing[J]. Materials Today Physics. 10.1016/j.mtphys.2020.100243
        [12] Ronghui Wu, Liyun Ma, Aniruddha Patil, Zhaohui Meng, Sai Liu, Chen Hou, Yifan Zhang, et al. Graphene decorated carbonized cellulose fabric for physiological signal monitoring and energy harvesting[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 10.1039/d0ta02221g.
        [13] Aniruddha Balkrishna Patila , Yafen Huang, Liyun Ma, Ronghui Wua, Zhaohui Meng, Lingqing Kong, Yifan Zhang, et al. An efficient disposable and flexible electrochemical sensor based on a novel and stable metal carbon composite derived from cocoon silk[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 10.1016/j.bios.2019.111595
        [14] Liyun Ma, Aniruddha Patil, Ronghui Wu, Yifan Zhang, et al. A capacitive humidity sensor based on allprotein embedded with gold nanoparticles @carbon composite for human respiration detection[J]. Nanotechnology. 10.1088/1361-6528/abe32d.
        [15] Hou Chen, Zhang Fan, Chen Caifeng, Zhang Yifan, et al. Wearable hydration and pH sensor based on protein film for healthcare monitoring[J]. Chemical Papers. 10.1007/s11696-021-01627-6.
