



  • 职称:副教授
  • 通讯地址:武汉市洪山区南李路28#
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  • E-mail:jiuxinjiang@hbut.edu.cn
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  • 研究成果
    2007.7-至今 湖北工业大学材料与化学工程学院工作
        1、 湖北省教育厅重点项目:碳酸钙粉体的热分解制备及其晶型与形貌的调控研究
        2、 绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室重点项目:碳化法制备亚稳态球霰石相碳酸钙的研究
        3、 绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室面上项目:亚稳态球霰石相碳酸钙的醇钙法制备及机理研究
        1)Jiuxin Jiang, Shengbo Xu, Haodong Xiao, Chong Tao, Qinyu Li, Chuanjie Chen, Rui Shi, The synthesis of long-term stable amorphous calcium carbonate in water-free ethylene glycol system without any phase stabilizer, Advanced Powder Technology, 33 (2022) 2416-2422
        2)Haodong Xiao, Chengpei Hu, Chuanjie Chen, Chong Tao, Yue Wu, Jiuxin Jiang, The advantage of alcohol–calcium method on the formation and the stability of vaterite against ethanol–water binary solvent method, Journal of Materials Research, 35 (2020) 289-298
        3)Chengpei Hu,Chuanjie Chen,Yue Wu,Jian Li,Yuancong Hu,Ligeng Wei,Jiuxin Jiang,The mechanochemical route of vaterite synthesis using sodium hexametaphosphate as an inorganic additive,Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102 (2019) 7116-7124
        4)陈传杰, 吴 月, 魏李庚, 胡成沛, 胡元聪, 蒋久信, 醇钙法和醇-水二元溶剂法制备亚稳态球霰石相 CaCO3, 无机材料学报, 34 (2019) 755-760
        5)Jiuxin Jiang, Yue Wu, Chuanjie Chen, Xuelian Wang, Huakang Zhao, Songsong Xu, CanCan Yang, Bowen Xiao, A novel route to prepare the metastable vaterite phase of CaCO3 from CaCl2 ethanol solution and Na2CO3 aqueous solution, Advanced Powder Technology, 29 (2018) 2416-2422
        6)Jiuxin Jiang, Chuanjie Chen, Bowen Xiao, Zhenlong Bai, Chipeng Jiang, Cancan Yang, Yue Wu, Xuelian Wang, Hierarchical CaCO3 particles self-assembled from metastable vaterite and stable calcite during the decomposition of Ca(HCO3)2, CrystEngComm, 19 (2017) 7332-7338.
        7)蒋久信,吴 月,何 瑶,高 松,张 晨,沈 彤,刘嘉宁,亚稳态球霰石相碳酸钙的调控制备进展,无机材料学报,32[7] (2017) 681-690
        8)Jiuxin Jiang, DongdongXu, YingZhang, Shipeng Zhu, Xinpeng Gan, Jianing Liu, From nano-cubic particle to micro-spindle aggregation: The control of long chain fatty acid on the morphology of calcium carbonate, Powder Technology, 270 (2015) 387–392
        9)Jiuxin Jiang, Ying Zhang, Dongdong Xu, Jianing Liu, Can agitation determine the polymorphs of calcium carbonate during the decomposition of calcium bicarbonate? CrystEngComm, 16 (2014) 5221-5226
        10)Jiuxin Jiang, Ying Zhang, Xi Yang, Xinyuan He, Xianxian Tang, Jianing Liu, Assemblage of nano-calcium carbonate particles on palmitic acid Template, Advanced Powder Technology, 25 (2014) 615-620
        11)Jiuxin Jiang, Jiuzhou Ye, Gaowen Zhang, Xinghou Gong, Longhui Nie, Jianing Liu, “Polymorph and morphology control of CaCO3 via temperature and PEG during the decomposition of Ca(HCO3)2”, Journal of the American Ceramics Society, 95 [12] (2012) 3735–3738
        12)Jinxin Jiang, Jie Liu, Chang Liu, Gaowen Zhang, Xinghou Gong, Jianing Liu, “Roles of oleic acid during micropore dispersing preparation of nano-calcium carbonate particles”, Applied Surface Science, 257 (2011) 7047-7053
        13)Jiuxin Jiang, “A New Synthesis Method of a-Silicon Nitride Powder-Reductive Combustion Synthesis from Silicon and Silicon Dioxide”, Journal of the American Ceramics Society, 92 [12] (2009) 3095-3097
        1)一种不同结构和形貌碳酸钙粉体的制备方法,专利号:ZL2012 1 0161303.2,发明人:蒋久信,许冬东,张盈,王娟红,唐俊,王静,刘嘉宁
        2)一种球霰石型碳酸钙粉体的制备方法及装置,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0564549.9,发明人:蒋久信,张盈,许冬东,张高文
        3)一种球霰石型碳酸钙粉体联产氯化铵的制备方法及装置,专利号:ZL 2016 1 0054713.5,发明人:蒋久信,吴月,蔡梦,马青,陈钱,程庆涛,许冬东
        4)一种使用高能球磨制备纳米碳酸钙粉体的方法,专利号:ZL 2017 1 0128790.5,发明人:蒋久信,吴月,陈传杰,肖博文,赵华康
        5)一种使用乙二醇钙法制备亚稳态球霰石碳酸钙的方法,专利号:ZL 201710709982.5,发明人:蒋久信,陈传杰,吴月,徐松松,王雪连,肖博文,赵华康
        6)一种使用丙三醇钙钙法制备亚稳态球霰石碳酸钙的方法,专利号:ZL 201710710003.8 发明人:蒋久信,吴月,陈传杰,赵华康,雷童,杨灿灿,肖博文
        8)一种便于添加墨水的大容量墨囊装置,专利号:ZL 2017 2 08329321,发明人:蒋久信,吴月,陈传杰,肖博文,赵华康,徐松松
        9)一种便于添加墨水的大容量墨囊钢笔,专利号:ZL 2017 2 08329478,发明人:蒋久信,吴月,陈传杰,肖博文,赵华康