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职 称:副教授

学 历:博士






王静祎,男,1992年,硕士生导师。2021年获华中农业大学农产品加工及贮藏工程博士学位,2019 -2020年受CSC资助于华盛顿州立大学进行联合培养。2022年入选湖北省相关人才项目,目前于湖北工业大学从事食品科学与工程的研究和教学工作。主要研究内容为:基于食品中营养因子间相互作用的消化特性及健康;发酵食品及其中功能因子的精细化研究;食源性天然生物活性因子与益生菌间复杂联系。共主持国家科学自然基金等科研项目4项。先后于Carbohydrate Polymers, Food Chemistry, Ultrasonics-Sonochemistry, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, LWT等国际期刊发表SCI论文17篇。担任Journal of Advanced Research、Foods等杂志的审稿人。







1.Wang J., He S., Zhou M..Structural, physicochemical, prebiotic properties of guava pulp insoluble dietary fiber and its quality enhancement ability on cow/goat yogurt: Impacts of ultrasound-assisted enzyme treatment,Food Bioscience, 2024(一区,IF=5.2)

2.Wang J, Yu. Z, Wang C. Effect of feruloylated arabinoxylan on the retrogradation and digestibility properties of pea starch during short-term refrigeration: Dependence of polysaccharide structure and bound ferulic acid content,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 128524(一区,IF=8.2)

3.Wang J, Yu. Z, Wu. W, Xie B, Sun Z. Molecular mechanism of epicatechin gallate binding with carboxymethyl β-glucan and its effect on antibacterial activity,Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 298, 4(一区,IF=11.2)

4.Wang J, Wu. W, Wang. C. Application of carboxymethyl chitosan-based coating in fresh-cut apple preservation: Incorporation of guava leaf flavonoids and their noncovalent interaction study,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 241, 124668(一区,IF=8.2)

5.Wang J, Bie M, Zhou W, Xie B, Sun Z. Interaction between carboxymethyl pachyman and lotus seedpod oligomeric procyanidins with superior synergistic antibacterial activity,Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 212, 11-20(一区,IF=9.381)

6.Wang J, Liu Q, Xie B, Sun Z. Effect of ultrasound combined with ultraviolet treatment on microbial inactivation and quality properties of mango juice.Ultrasonics-Sonochemistry, 2020, 64, 105000(一区,IF=7.491)

7.Wang J, Xie B, Sun Z. Anion carboxymethylated β-glucan alleviates undesirable binding between procyanidins and β-galactosidase.Food Chemistry, 2021, 344 (15), 128686(一区,IF=7.514)

8.Wang J, Xie B, Sun Z. The improvement of carboxymethyl β-glucan on the antibacterial activity and intestinal flora regulation ability of lotus seedpod procyanidins.LWT, 2021, 137, 110441(一区,IF=4.952)

9.Wang J, Xie B, Sun Z. Quality parameters and bioactive compound bioaccessibility changes in probiotics fermented mango juice using ultraviolet-assisted ultrasonic pre-treatment during cold storage.LWT, 2021, 137, 110438(一区,IF=4.952)

10.Wang J, Zhang W, Tang C, Xiao J, Xie B, Sun Z. Synergistic effect of B-type oligomeric procyanidins from lotus seedpod in combination with water-solublePoria cocospolysaccharides againstE. coliand mechanism.Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 48, 134-143,(二区,IF= 4.451)

11.Ao. L,Wang. J, Sun. Z. Determination of 14 Isoflavone Isomers in Natto by UPLC-ESI-MS/MS and Antioxidation and Antiglycation Profiles.Foods, 2022, 11(15):2229 (二区,IF=5.2)

12.Xin. L,Wang. J, Sun. Z. Inhibitory effects of lotus seedpod procyanidins against lipid and protein oxidation and spoilage organisms in chilled-storage beef.LWT, 2022, 160(2):113248 (一区,IF=6.0)

13.Zhang W,Wang J, Chen Y, Zheng H, Xie B, Sun Z. Flavonoid compounds and antibacterial mechanisms of different parts of white guava (Psidium guajava L. cv. Pearl).Natural Product Research, 2018, 34 (11), 1-5(三区,IF=2.861)

14.Li X, Li S, Chen M,Wang J, Xie B, Sun Z. (−)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) inhibits starch digestion and improves glucose homeostasis through direct or indirect activation of PXR/CAR-mediated phase II metabolism in diabetic mice.Food & Function, 2018, 9 4651-4663 (一区,IF=5.396)


16.吴闹,王静祎,张倩,郭莹,李书艺,何毅,祝振洲,何静仁.新型花色苷衍生物oxovitisin A制备条件优化及其体外抑制癌细胞增殖活性.食品科学,2016,37(16),1-7。

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