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职 称:副教授

学 历:博士




2016.10-至今:湖北工业大学 生物工程与食品学院 生物工程专业 副教授

2016.01-2016.09:山东大学 化学与化工学院 物理化学专业 助理研究员

2012.09-2015.09:美国St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 结构生物学专业 博士后

2007.09-2012.07:北京大学 化学与分子工程学院 物理化学专业 获博士学位

2002.09-2007.07:山东大学 化学与化工学院 应用化学专业 获学士学位


1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:天然无序蛋白质“序列—结构—功能”关系的比较研究,2017.1-2019.12。

2) 北京分子科学国家实验室开放基金:蛋白质折叠与结合耦合机理的研究,2017.03-2019.03。

3) 武汉艾默佳华生物科技有限公司:2型糖尿病药物靶点GLP-1受体小分子拮抗剂设计与活性分析,2017.03-2018.03。

4) 湖北省重大技术创新专项:基于植物甾醇半生物法合成抗癌药物醋酸阿比特龙关键技术研发,2016.10-2018.12。

5) 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所波谱与原子分子物理国家重点实验室开放基金:癌蛋白Mdm2 抑制剂对MdmX 的构效关系及新型双靶向抗肿瘤药物筛选,2016.9-2018.9。


从事药物设计和蛋白质—药物相互作用的研究工作,具有多年从事蛋白质相互作用表征和药物设计及筛选的经验。建立了基于MdmX/p53融合蛋白以及色氨酸内源荧光的筛选技术,成功筛选出了多个与MdmX具有一定结合能力的新型小分子化合物;建立了蛋白质与靶标结合的动力学与热力学参数数据库;探索了蛋白质结构柔性对蛋白质分子识别机理的影响;通过序列设计探索了细胞周期抑制因子p21蛋白和p27蛋白的结构、功能以及动态学性质,探索了p21蛋白与Cdk2/cyclin A复合物的多种结合模式以及p27蛋白降解过程的调控机理。

研究工作从多个角度上探索了蛋白质在分子识别中的特性以及功能,促进了对蛋白质“序列—结构—功能”关系以及药物定量构效关系的进一步认识,相关研究成果得到了国际同行的诸多正面引用和好评。本领域权威专家Vladimir Uversky在Faculty of 1000 Biology上对研究成果作了专文推介(http://f1000.com/prime/1226965),评价为“This is a very interesting, important, and provocative study which will be of interest to everyone studying protein interactions.”。在2014年美国化学会出版的Chemical Review(第114卷,第13期,一共发表了12篇综述文章)中,3项研究工作在其中3篇综述文章中得到了引用。2009年至今,共发表SCI学术论文20多篇,总被引用500多次:





1. Exploring the sequence-structure-function relationship for the intrinsically disordered βγ-crystallin Hahellin. M Gao, F Yang, L Zhang, Z Su*, Y Huang*. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2018 36 (5), 1171-1181

2. Exploring the Roles of Proline in Three-Dimensional Domain Swapping from Structure Analysis and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Y Huang*, M Gao, Z Su*. The protein journal 2018 37 (1), 13-20


3. Bacterial cupredoxin azurin hijacks cellular signaling networks: Protein–protein interactions and cancer therapy. M Gao, J Zhou, Z Su*, Y Huang*. Protein Science 2017 26 (12), 2334-2341

4. A novel strategy to prepare the precursor peptide of liraglutide. N Cheng, L Yang, N Dai, Z Hu, F Yang, R Chen, X Cheng, J Zhou, Y Huang*, Z Su*. Process Biochemistry 2017 62, 10-15

5. Deciphering the promiscuous interactions between intrinsically disordered transactivation domains and the KIX domain .Y Huang*, M Gao, F Yang, L Zhang, Z Su*. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2017 85 (11), 2088-2095

6. Effect of the Flexible Regions of the Oncoprotein Mouse Double Minute X on Inhibitor Binding Affinity. L Qin, H Liu, R Chen, J Zhou, X Cheng, Y Chen, Y Huang*, Z Su*. Biochemistry 2017 56 (44), 5943-5954

7. A fusion protein of the p53 transaction domain and the p53-binding domain of the oncoprotein MdmX as an efficient system for high-throughput screening of MdmX inhibitors. R Chen, J Zhou, L Qin, Y Chen, Y Huang*, H Liu*, Z Su*. Biochemistry 2017 56 (25), 3273-3282

8. Comprehensive investigation of aberrant microRNAs expression in cells culture model of MnCl2-induced neurodegenerative disease. R He, X Xie, L Lv, Y Huang, X Xia, X Chen, L Zhang. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2017 486 (2), 342-348


9. Model-Guided Interface Probe Arrangement for Sensitive Protein Detection. X Xu, L Wang, Y Huang, W Gao, K Li, W Jiang. Analytical Chemistry 2016 88 (20), 9885-9889

10. Interplay between binding affinity and kinetics in protein–protein interactions. H Cao, Y Huang*, Z Liu*. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2016 84 (7), 920-933

11. Cryptic sequence features within the disordered protein p27Kip1 regulate cell cycle signaling RK Das#, Y Huang#, AH Phillips#, RW Kriwacki*, RV Pappu*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2016 113 (20), 5616-5621


12. The Activity and Stability of the Intrinsically Disordered Cip/Kip Protein Family Are Regulated by Non-Receptor Tyrosine Kinases. Y Huang#, MK Yoon#, S Otieno, M Lelli, RW Kriwacki*. Journal of molecular biology 2015 427 (2), 371-386


13. Advantages of proteins being disordered. Z Liu*, Y Huang. Protein Science 2014 23 (5), 539-550


14. Do intrinsically disordered proteins possess high specificity in protein–protein interactions? Y Huang, Z Liu*. Chemistry–A European Journal 2013 19 (14), 4462-4467

15. Evidences for the unfolding mechanism of three-dimensional domain swapping. Z Liu*, Y Huang. Protein Science 2013 22 (3), 280-286


16. Mechanism of 3D Domain Swapping for Mpro-C: Clues from Molecular Simulations. Y Huang, X Kang, B Xia, Z Liu*. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 2012 28 (10), 2411-2417

17. Binding of two intrinsically disordered peptides to a multi-specific protein: a combined Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics study. I Staneva, Y Huang, Z Liu, S Wallin*. PLoS computational biology 2012 8 (9), e1002682

18. Three-dimensional domain swapping in the protein structure space. Y Huang, H Cao, Z Liu*. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2012 80 (6), 1610-1619


19. Anchoring intrinsically disordered proteins to multiple targets: lessons from N-terminus of the p53 protein. Y Huang, Z Liu*. International journal of molecular sciences 2011 12 (2), 1410-1430


20. Smoothing molecular interactions: The “kinetic buffer” effect of intrinsically disordered proteins. Y Huang, Z Liu*. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2010 78 (16), 3251-3259

21. Nonnative interactions in coupled folding and binding processes of intrinsically disordered proteins. Y Huang, Z Liu*. PLoS One 2010 5 (11), e15375

22. Intrinsically disordered proteins: the new sequence-structure-function relations. Y Huang, Z Liu*. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 2010 26 (8), 2061-2072

23. Folding simulations of a de novo designed protein with a βαβ fold. Y Qi#, Y Huang#, H Liang, Z Liu*, L Lai*. Biophysical journal 2010 98 (2), 321-329


24. Kinetic advantage of intrinsically disordered proteins in coupled folding-binding process: a critical assessment of the “fly-casting” mechanism. Y Huang, Z Liu*. Journal of molecular biology 2009 393 (5), 1143-1159

25. Molecular dynamics simulation exploration of cooperative migration mechanism of calcium ions in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase. Y Huang, H Li, Y Bu*. Journal of computational chemistry 2009 30 (13), 2136-2145

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