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王 军


职 称:教授、博士生导师

学 历:博士

E-mail: jun_wang@hbut.edu.cn;2491549178@qq.com



于约翰霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University)获化学博士学位后,在匹斯堡大学医学中心(University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)开展博士后、副研究员研究工作,后加盟美国Pharmaceutics International Inc.制药公司从事新药研发工作。现担任湖北工业大学生物医药系教授、大健康与精准医药营养国际研究中心主任。




担任Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease、Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences杂志Associate Editor、Guest Editor,以及多个杂志审稿人(Inflammation、Journal of Biological Chemistry、Free Radical Biology and Medicine、Nitric Oxide、EBioMedicine)。担任中国生物物理学会自由基分会理事、生物微量元素分会委员、中国食品工业协会委员、中国生物检测检测产业技术创新战略联盟委员。作为特邀讲员,在国内外会议中做报告50余次,包括美国化学会年会、国际自由基大会、国际硝酸盐亚硝酸盐大会、东湖国际论坛等。







主要成就包括发表SCI论文40余篇,被引用超过700次。发表在J. Am. Chem. Soc.、British Journal of Pharmacology、Biosensors and Bioelectronics、Antioxidants & Redox Signaling、Inorganic Chemistry、Free Radical Biology and Medicine、Journal of Biological Chemistry、Food Chemistry、Food Research International等国际一流期刊。获批专利3项,公开专利10余项。


[1]Wang J.(#);MeiF.;BaiL.;ZhouS.;LiuD.;YaoL.;AhluwaliaA.;GhiladiR.;SuL.;ShuT.;GongM.;WangX.;ZhuL.;CaiK.;ZhangX.“Serum nitrite and nitrate: A potential biomarker for post-covid-19 complications?”Free Radical Biology & Medicine2021,175:216-225. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2021.08.237Q1 (IF2020:7.376)

[2]ZhaoY.;BaoJ.;LiuW.;GongX.;LiangZ.;LiW.;WuM.;XiaoY.;SunB.;WangX.;WangJ.;WangJ.(*);ShuX.“Spatial Training Attenuates Long-Term Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Pathogenic Processes in APP/PS1 Mice”Journal of Alzheimers Disease2022, 85, 1453.doi: 10.3233/JAD-215016.Q2 (IF2020: 4.472)

[3]YaoL.;CaiK.; Mei F.;WangX.;FanC.;JiangH.;XieF.;LiY.;DengW.;LaiS.;Wang J.(*)“Urine Nitric Oxide Is Lower in Parents of Autistic Children”Frontiers in Psychiatry21 May2021,https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.607191/full.DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.607191.Q2(IF2020: 4.157)

[4] Fang W.; Jiang, J.; Su, L.; Shu, T.; Liu, H.; Lai, S.; Ghiladi, R.;Wang J.(*)“TheRole of NO in COVID-19 andPotentialTherapeuticStrategies”Free Radical Biology & Medicine2021,163, 153-162.doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2020.12.008. Q1 (IF2020:7.376)连续2年ESI高倍引

[5]SunB.;Zheng,Y.;Yang, S.;ZhangJ.;ChengX.;GhiladiR.;MaZ.;WangJ.(*);Deng W.“One-potMethodBasedonDeepEutecticSolventforExtractionandConversionofPolydatintoResveratrolfromPolygonumCuspidatum”Food Chemistry2021, 343, 128498.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128498. Q1 (IF2020: 7.514)

[6] Fu H.;Deng W.;Yao L.;Gong M.;Lai S.;Liu J.;Li M.;Xu H.;Wang J.(*)“Urinary NOx,ANovelPotentialBiomarker forAutismSpectrumDisorder”Free Radical Biology & Medicine2020,146,350-356.doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2019.11.001.Q1 (IF2020:7.376)

[7]Wang J.(#);Krizowski S.; Fischer K; Niks D.; Tejero J.; Wang L.; Sparacino-Watkins C; Ragireddy V.; Frizzell S.; Kelley E.E.; Zhang Y.; Basu P.; Hille R.; Schwarz G.; Gladwin M.T. “Sulfite Oxidase Catalyzes Single-Electron Transfer at Molybdenum Domain to Reduce Nitrite to Nitric Oxide”Antioxidants &Redox Signaling2015,23, 283. Q1 (IF:8.401).

[8]Wang J.(#); Schopfer M.P.; Puiu S.C.; Sarjeant A.A.N.; Karlin K.D. “Reductive Coupling of Nitrogen Monoxide(·NO) Facilitated by Heme/Copper Complexes”InorganicChemistry2010,49, 1404. Q1 (IF:5.165).

[9]Wang J.(#); Schopfer M.P.; Sarjeant A.A.N.; Karlin K.D. “Heme-Copper Assembly Mediated Reductive Coupling of Nitrogen Monoxide (·NO)”TheJournal ofAmericanChemicalSociety2009,131, 450. Q1 (IF:15.419).

[10] Yao L.;FuH.;BaiL.;DengW.;XieF;LiY.;ZhangR.;XuX.;WangT.;LaiS.;Wang J.(*)“Saliva nitrite is higher in male children with autism spectrum disorder and positively correlated with serum nitrate”Redox Report2021, 26, 124.https://doi.org/10.1080/13510002.2021.1959133Q3(IF2020: 2.753)

[11] Lin X.; Tian M.; Cao C.; Shu T.;Wang J.;Wen Y.; Su L.; Zhang X.“Strongly phosphorescent and water-soluble gold(I)-silver(I)-cysteine nanoplatelets via versatile small biomolecule cysteine-assisted synthesis for intracellular hypochlorite detection”Biosensors and Bioelectronics2021, 193,113571.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2021.113571Q1(IF2020: 10.618)

[12]Xu X.;Cai X.;Meng F.;Song T.;Wang X.;Wei Y.;Zhai F.;Long B.;Wang J.;You X.;Zhang R.“Comparison of the Metabolic Profilesin the Plasma and Urine SamplesBetween Autistic and TypicallyDeveloping Boys: A Preliminary Study”Frontiers in Psychiatry04June2021, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.657105Q2(IF2020: 4.157)

[13]JiangJ.;WangJ.;YaoL.;LaiS.;ZhangX. WhatDoWeKnow about IL-6 in COVID-19SoFar? 2021.Biophysics Reports2021, in press.ExpectedIF2021: ~3.0

[14] Wang L.;Sparacino-Watkins CE.;Wang J.;Wajih N.;Varano P.;Xu Q.;Cecco E.;Tejero J.;Soleimani M.;Kim-Shapiro DB.;Gladwin MT.“Carbonic Anhydrase II Does Not Regulate Nitrite Dependent Nitric Oxide Formation and Vasodilation”BritishJournal ofPharmacology2020,177, 898. doi: 10.1111/bph.14887.Q1 (IF:8.739)

[15]Schopfer M.P.;Wang J.; Karlin K.D. “Bioinspired Heme, Heme/Nonheme Diiron, Heme/Copper, and Inorganic NOx Chemistry: ·NO(g)Oxidation, Peroxynitrite-Metal Chemistry, and ·NO(g)Reductive Coupling”InorganicChemistry2010,49, 6267. Q1 (IF:5.165).

[16] Ding A.; Zhu M.; Qian X.; Shi L.; Huang H.; Xiong G.;Wang J.; Wang L.“Effect ofFattyAcids onTheFlavorFormation ofFishSauce”LWT - Food Science and Technology2020,134,110259. Q1 (IF:4.952)

[17]Liu L.; Ding C.; Tian M.; Yi D.;Wang J.;Zhao J.; Hu Y.; Wang C. “FermentationImprovesThePotentiality ofCapsicum inDecreasingHigh-fatDiet-inducedObesity in C57BL/6Mice byModulatingLipidMetabolism andHormoneResponse”Food Research International2019,24, 49.Q1 (IF:6.475)

[18]Zhao J.;Wang J.; Yang Y.; Lu Y. “The Determination of Nitrate and Nitrite in Human Urine and Blood by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Cloud-Point Extraction”Journal ofChromatographicScience2015,53, 1169. Q3 (IF: 1.618).

[19]Zhao J.; Lu Y.; Fan C.;Wang J.; Yang Y. “Development ofACloudPointExtraction andSpectrophotometry-basedMicroplateMethod forTheDetermination ofNitrite inHumanUrine andBlood”Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy2015, 136,802. Q2 (IF:4.098).

[20]Liu C.; Wajih N.; Liu X.; Basu S.; Janes J.; Marvel M.; Keggi C.; Helms C.C.; Lee A.N.; Belanger A.M.; Diz D.I.; Laurienti P.; Caudell D.L.;Wang J.; Gladwin M.T.; Kim-Shapiro D.B. “Bioactivation of Nitrite Mechanisms of Human Erythrocytic Bioactivation of Nitrite”Journal ofBiologicalChemistry2015,290, 1281. Q2 (IF:5.157).

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