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职 称:教授

学 历:博士




柳志杰,武汉大学博士,教授,硕士生导师,湖北省相关人才项目入选者,先后在Bioresource Technology、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、LWT等杂志上发表SCI论文三十余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金等科研项目十余项、企业合作项目十余项。



1. 2021年全国大学生生命科学竞赛二等奖,指导老师。

2. 2019年国际基因工程机器大赛(iGEM)金奖,指导老师。

3. 2018年国际基因工程机器大赛(iGEM)银奖,指导老师。


1. 湖北省中小微企业“科技副总”。

2. 湖北省科技特派员。


1. 湖北省重点研发计划项目,100万元,2023.01-2025.12,主持。

2. 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,5万元,2023.07-2025.06,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,30万元,2021.01-2023.12,主持。

4. 湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,3万元,2018.01-2019.12,主持。

5. 企业合作项目,发酵蔬菜技术开发与应用,500万元,2023.12-2028.11,主持。

6. 企业合作项目,天然产物的合成,200万元,2023.10-2024.10,主持。

7. 企业合作项目,多元醇新工艺研究,300万元,2021.09-2026.08,主持。


1. Chen S, et al. Antimicrobial activity and mechanism of α-copaene against foodborne pathogenic bacteria and its application in beef soup. LWT, 2024: 115848.

2. Kang S, et al. Metabolomic insights into the effect of chickpea protein hydrolysate on the freeze–thaw tolerance of industrial yeasts. Food Chemistry, 2024, 439: 138143.

3. Wang Y T, et al. Metabolic engineering of erythritol production from glycerol byYarrowia lipolytica. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2024: 1-9.

4. Fu B, et al. Co-culture relationship betweenZygosaccharomyces rouxiiandCandida versatilisand its effect on the flavour of soy sauce. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2024, 59(1): 228-240.

5. Liu Z, et al. Transcriptomics Reveals the Effect of Strain Interactions on the Growth ofA. OryzaeandZ. Rouxii. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71(14): 5525-5534.

6. Liu Z, et al. Analysis of the contribution of koji-making withZ. rouxiion volatile compounds of soy sauce. LWT, 2023: 114903.

7. Zhang S, et al. Metabolic engineering ofEscherichia colifor the biosynthesis of α-copaene from glucose. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 186: 108561.

8. Liu F, et al. Enhancing Trans-Nerolidol Productivity inYarrowia lipolyticaby Improving Precursor Supply and Optimizing Nerolidol Synthase Activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70(48): 15157-15165.

9. Zhang X, et al. Effect ofLactobacillus plantarumorEnterococcus faecalisas co-inoculants withAspergillus oryzaein koji making on the physicochemical properties of soy sauce. Journal of Food Science, 2022, 87(2): 714-727.

10. Zheng J, et al. A novel Fenton-like catalyst of Ag3PO4/g-C3N4: Its performance and mechanism for tetracycline hydrochloride degradation in dark. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 571: 151305.

11. Wang D N, et al. Integrated pathway engineering and transcriptome analysis for improved astaxanthin biosynthesis inYarrowia lipolytica. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology, 2022, 7(4): 1133-1141.

12. Zhang S, et al. De novo biosynthesis of alpha-zingiberene from glucose inEscherichia coli. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 176: 108188.

13. Zhang X K, et al. Metabolic engineering of β-carotene biosynthesis inYarrowia lipolytica. Biotechnology letters, 2020, 42: 945-956.

14. Gao Q, et al.Yarrowia lipolyticaas a metabolic engineering platform for the production of very-long-chain wax esters. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(39): 10730-10740.

15. Zong Z, et al. Metabolic engineering ofEscherichia colifor the production of neryl acetate. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 161: 107704.

16. Yao F, et al. Engineering oleaginous yeastYarrowia lipolyticafor enhanced limonene production from xylose and lignocellulosic hydrolysate. FEMS Yeast Research, 2020, 20(6): foaa046.

17. Liu S C, et al. Pathway engineering and medium optimization for α-farnesene biosynthesis in oleaginous yeastYarrowia lipolytica. Journal of Biotechnology, 2020, 319: 74-81.

18. Wang L, et al. Metabolic engineering ofYarrowia lipolyticafor the biosynthesis of crotonic acid. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 287: 121484.

19. Zong Z, et al. Biosynthesis of nerol from glucose in the metabolic engineeredEscherichia coli. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 287: 121410.

20. Liu Z, et al. De novo biosynthesis of antimycobacterial agent geranylgeranyl acetate from glucose. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 142: 84-88.

21. Guo D, et al. Metabolic engineering ofEscherichia colifor production of 2-phenylethanol and 2-phenylethyl acetate from glucose. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(23): 5886-5891.

22. Guo D, et al. Biosynthesis of advanced biofuel farnesyl acetate using engineeredEscherichia coli. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 269: 577-580.

23. Peng M, et al. Effect of citrus peel on phenolic compounds, organic acids and antioxidant activity of soy sauce. LWT, 2018, 90: 627-635.


1. 王智文主编,《代谢工程与合成生物学(第二版)》,高等教育出版社,2023,ISBN (9787040599404)。

2. 赵学明主编,《代谢工程》,高等教育出版,2015,ISBN (9787040417692)。


1. 一种利用微生物发酵生产橙花醇的方法. ZL201910182141.2。

2. 产α-古巴烯的重组酿酒酵母及其应用. ZL202210373921.7。

3. 产T-杜松醇的重组酿酒酵母及其应用. ZL202210305472.2。

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