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职 称:二级教授

学 历:博士研究生

E-mail: hukh@hbut.edu.cn




2014.01 起 湖北工业大学中德生物医学中心主任、二级教授

2008.03-2013.12 中国科学院武汉病毒研究所博导研究员 病毒RNA结构与功能学科组PI

2006.04-2008.02 德国雷根斯堡(Regensburg)大学分子和细胞解剖学研究所 教授

2003.03-2006.03 德国雷根斯堡(Regensburg)大学医院内科I高级科学家,PI

2000.09-2003.02 德国弗莱堡(Freiburg) 大学医院内科II分子生物学中心,博士后

2000.03-2000.08 德国杜赛尔多夫(Duesseldorf)大学物理生物研究所,博士后

1995.12-2000.02 德国杜赛尔多夫(Duesseldorf)大学物理生物研究所,博士生

1988.08-1995.11 中国科学院武汉病毒研究所研究实习员(1988)和助理研究员(1990)


1999.12 Dr.rer.nat (magna cum laude),自然科学博士(最优等),德国杜赛尔多夫(Duesseldorf)大学物理生物研究所分子病毒学专业,导师:Prof. Dr. D. Riesner (马普奖获得者,Qiagen集团监事局主席)

1988.07 中国科学院武汉病毒研究所病毒学专业硕士,导师:丁达明所长教授

1985.07 武汉大学生物系微生物专业学士


1990 中国科协优秀学术论文二等奖

1995-1997 德国Friedrich-Ebert-基金会 博士奖学金

2001-2002 美国Amherst, MA.和Pacific Grove, CA.乙肝分子生物学特别奖

2007 德国细胞生物学会创新奖

2010 武汉市东湖高新技术开发区“3551人才”、武汉市第十届华创会“华创杯”优秀项目奖、美国圣地亚哥3Dbiotek“三维细胞培养行业国际知名专家”

2012 湖北省相关人才项目入选者、武汉市有突出贡献中青年专家

2017 四川省成都市高层次创新创业“蓉漂计划”人才

2018 中央军委中国人民解放军全军科技进步二等奖(排名第二)

2019 中华预防医学会自然科学三等奖、江苏省“双创人才”

2020 湖北省侨联梁亮胜科学技术奖


2005-2008 中国留德医学和生命科学学会 常务副理事长

2006起 德国Friedrich-Ebert-基金会生命科学奖学金生 导师

2009起 ISRN Tissue Engineering、Virology & Retro Virology、Pathogens & Infectious Diseases、《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》、《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》、《病毒学报》等国内外多家学术期刊编委(Editorial Board Member)

2015起 武汉欧美同学会生物医药分会 副会长

2015起 国家科学技术奖励评审专家、科技部国际重大合作项目终审专家、教育部长江学者评审专家

2018起 湖北省肝胆疾病协会常务理事、卫生部移植医学工程技术研究中心学术委员、移植医学湖北省重点实验室学术委员



2003-2012 德国

1) Underlying mechanism of liver fibrosis (Senior Scientist, German Research Foundation and EU project, Regensburg, 2003-2005)

2) Tissue engineering and regeneration medicine of kidney (C1 Professor, German Research Foundation, Regensburg, 2006-2008)

3) Application of perfusion 3D cell culture technique in virology (PI, EU Project III. UNOCFG3 2008.03-2012.06)

2008-2021 中国

1) 中国科学院前沿领域项目 2008-2011,Nr.54080202

2) 国家“十一五”传染病重大专项子课题 Nr.2008ZX10002-011及子课题Nr. 2008ZX10004-004,2009-2011

3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2009-2011,Nr.30870131

4) 国家“十二五”传染病重大专项子课题 Nr.2012ZX10004503-008及子课题Nr.2012ZX10002006-002,2012-2015

5) 武汉东湖高新区“光谷3551”人才计划 2012-2016

6) 湖北省相关高层次人才项目入选者 2012-2014

7) 湖北省自然科学基金重点项目 2015-2017

8) 各类校企合作项目 2013-2021,2200万



1.Xiong K., Jin R.,Hu K.and Ding D. 1990 "Synthesis and cloning of the human growth hormone releasing factor gene" Chinese Journal of Biotechnology (English Version) 6, 243-250

2.Hu K. 2000 “Wechselwirkung beider Startstellen der Transkription von mutierten zirkulären Viroidmolekülen” Dissertation, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany 1-120 (in German)

3.Fels A., Hu K. and Riesner D. 2001 "Transcription of potato spindle tuber viroid by RNA polymerase II starts predominatly at two specific sites" Nucleic Acids Research 29(22), 4589-4597

4.Hu K., Beck J. and Nassal M. 2004 "SELEX-derived aptamers of the duck hepatitis B virus RNA encapsidation signal distinguish critical and non-critical residues for productive initiation of reverse transcription" Nucleic Acids Research 32(14), 4377-4389

5.Hu K. et al. 2005 "Characterization of the human zinc finger protein 267 promoter: Essential role of nuclear factor Y" Biochimica et BiophysicaActa 1729, 14-23

6.Schnabl B., Hu K., Mühlbauer M. and Schoelmerich J. 2005 "Zinc finger protein 267 is up-regulated during the activation process of human hepatic stellate cells and functions as a negative transcriptional regulator of MMP-10" Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 335, 87-96

7.Nadine K., Oliver B., Ashermann K., Hu K. and Riesner D. 2006 “Transcription of potato spindle tuber viroid by RNA polymerase II starts in the left terminal loop” Virology 347(2), 392-404

8.Hu K et al. 2007 “Chemically defined medium determines the differential potency of renal stem cells” Biotechnology Journal 2(8), 992-995

9.Heber S., Denk L., Hu K.*. 2007 “Modulating the development of renal tubules growing in serum-free culture medium at an artificial interstitium” Tissue Engineering 13(2), 281-292

10.Minuth WW., Denk L. and Hu K.* 2007 “The role of polyester interstitium and aldosterone during structural development of renal tubules in serum-free medium” Biomaterials 28(30), 4418-4428

11.Minuth WW, Hu K * 2007 “Kontrolliertes Environment für Stammzellen – Generierung renaler Tubuli in chemisch definiertem Kulturmedium“ Bioforum 4:28-29

12.Minuth WW, Denk L and Hu K.* 2007 “Kontrolliertes Environment für die Entwicklung von Stammzellen zu renalen Tubuli“ Regenerativ Medizin 2(1):22-27

13.Minuth WW, Denk L, Hu K. et al. 2007 “The tubulogenic effect of aldosterone is attributed to intact binding and intracellular response of the mineralocorticoid receptor” Central European Journal of Biology 2(3), 307-325

14.Ke B. and Hu K *. 2007 "Environmental pollution and skin diseases" Medical Recapitulate 13(18), 1377-1379

15.Hu K.* and Yao Y. 2008 “Advances in application of three-dimensional cell culture” Journal of Medical Molecular Biology 5(2):185-188

16.Feng H and Hu K*. 2008 "Aptamers against viral hepatitis from rational design to practical application" Virologica Sinica 23(5):315-320

17.Feng H and Hu K *. 2009 "Structural Characteristics and Molecular Mechanism of Hepatitis B Virus Reverse Transcriptase" Virologica Sinica 24(6):509-517

18.Hu K *. 2010 "From Minu3D cultural system to aldosterone-induced tubulogenesis" Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research 14(2):365-369

19.Chen P, Rayner S, and Hu K *. 2011 "Advances of bioinformatics tools applied in virus epitopes prediction" Virologica Sinica 26(1):1-7

20.Feng H , Beck J, Nassal M and Hu K *. 2011 “A SELEX-Screened aptamer of human hepatitis B virus RNA encapsidation signal suppresses viral replicationi“ Plos One 6(11):e27862

21.Zhao Z, Hong W, Zeng Z, Wu Y, Hu K et al. 2012 "Mucroporin-M1 inhibits hepatitis B virus replication by activating the MAPK pathawy and down-regulating HNF4α in vitro and in vivo" J Biol Chem.287(36):30181-90.

22.Wang W, Peng H, Li J, Zhao X, Zhao F, Hu K. * 2013 "Controllable inhibition of hepatitis B virus replication by a DR1-targeting short hairpin RNA (shRNA) expressed from a DOX-inducible lentiviral vector." Virus Genes 46(3):393-403.

23.Feng H, Chen P, Zhao F , Nassal M, Hu K * 2013 “Evidence for Multiple Distinct Interactions between Hepatitis B Virus P Protein and Its Cognate RNA Encapsidation Signal during Initiation of Reverse Transcription. Plos One 8:e72798.

24.Chen P, Yun G, Na H, Wei F, Li J, Zhao F, Rayner S*, Hu K. * 2013 "Computational evolutionary analysis of the overlapped surface (S) and polymerase (P) region in hepatitis B virus indicates the spacer domain in P is crucial for survival." PLoS One 8(4):e60098.

25.Pan X, Li XJ, Liu XJ, Tian XH, Hu KH.et al. 2013 Later Passage Neural Progenitor Cells from Neonatal Brain Are More Permissive for Human Cytomegalovirus Infection. Journal of Virology 87(20):10968-10979.

26.Tian X, Zhao F, Cheng Z, Zhou M, Zhi X, Li J, Hu K *. 2013 GCN5 acetyltransferase inhibits PGC1α-induced hepatitis B virus biosynthesis. Virologica Sinica 28(4):216-22.

27.Zhou M, Zhao F, Li J, Cheng Z, Tian X, Huang Y, Zhi X and Hu K *. 2014 "Long-term maintenance of human fetal hepatocytes and prolonged susceptibility to HBV infection by co-culture with nonparenchymal cells" J Virol Methods 195:185-193

28.Zhou M, Huang Y, Cheng Z, Zhao F, Li J, Zhi X, Tian X, Sun W, Hu K * 2014 Revival, characterization, and hepatitis B virus infection of cryopreserved human fetal hepatocytes. J Virol Methods 207:29-37

29.Tian Xiaohui, Zhao Fei, Sun Weihua, Zhi Xiaoguang, Hu Kanghong * 2014 CRTC2 enhances HBV transcription and replication by inducing PGC1alpha expression. Virology Journal 11:30, doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-11-30.

30.Cheng Z, Sun G, Guo W, Huang Y, Sun W, Zhao F, Hu K* 2015 Inhibition of hepatitis B virus replication by quercetin in human hepatoma cell lines. Virologica Sinica 30(4):261-268.

31.Cheng ZK, Zhi XG, Sun G, Guo W, Zhao F, Hu KH * 2016 Sodium selenite suppresses hepatitis B virus transcription and replication in human hepatoma cell lines. J Med Virol. 88(4):653-663

32.Danzhen Pan , Yong Lin, Weimin Wu, Jingjiao Song, Ejuan Zhang, Chunchen Wu, Xinwen Chen, Kanghong Hu et al.2015 “Persistence of the Recombinant Genomes of Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus in the Mouse Model” PLoSOne 10(5):e0125658

33.Peng Ke, Honghao Sun, Mingxing Liu, Zhengding Su, Kanghong Hu et al. 2016 “Polymeric pH nanosensor with extended measurement range bearing octaarginine as cell penetrating peptide” IET Nanobiotechnol., 10(1): 8-12

34.Xiaoli Ye, Ming Zhou,Yonggang He,Yanmin Wan, WeiyaBai, Shuai Tao, YanqinRen, Xinxin Zhang, JianqingXu, Jing Liu, Junqi Zhang, Kanghong Hu * et al. 2016” Efficient Inhibition of Hepatitis B Virus Infection by a preS1-binding Peptide” Scientific Reports 6:29391DOI: 10.1038/srep29391

35.孙维华 朱祥 尧晨光 孙鸽 寇铮 *胡康洪*2016 “伴HBV感染性肝癌调控枢纽基因筛选与初步鉴定”生物信息学 14(4):203-212

36.刘求明 尧晨光 郭晓红胡康洪*2016“抗乙肝病毒药物研究新进展”病毒学报 32(5):649-657

37.HU Kanghong et al. 2017 “KNK437 Inhibits Replication and Transcription of the Hepatitis B Virus” Chinese Journal of Virology (English Version) 01:24-35

38.Mengying Ji and Kanghong Hu * 2017 "Recent advances in the study of hepatitis B virus covalently closed circular DNA" Virologica Sinica 32(6):454-464

39.胡康洪 合著 2017《中国学科发展战略纲要-再生医学》ISBN 978-7-03-043400-5 科学出版社

40.Yao Chengguang, Xi Caili, Hu Kanghong et al. 2018 "Inhibition of enterovirus 71 replication and viral 3C protease by quercetin"Virology Journal 15(1):116. doi: 10.1186/s12985-018-1023-6.

41.Min Chen, Ni Li, Nan Wang, Hu Kanghong et al. 2018 "Synthesis, structure and antitumor studies of a novel decavanadate complex with a wavelike two-dimensional network"Polyhedron 155:313-319.

42.Yao Chengguang#, Hu Kanghong # et al. 2019 "Transcriptomic analysis of cells in response to EV71 infection and 2Apro as a trigger for apoptosis via TXNIP gene" Genes & Genomics 41(3):343-357. doi: 10.1007/s13258-018-0760-7

43.Xiaokang Hu, Huan Wang, Bo Huang, Ni Li, Kanghong Hu * et al. 2019 "A new scheme for rational design and synthesis of polyoxovanadate hybrids with high antitumor activities"Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 193:130-132

44.Wei Yanhong, Wang Haijie, Xi Caili, Li Ni, Li Dong, Yao Chengguang, Sun Ge, Ge Hongmei, Hu Kanghong * and Zhang Qian* 2020 “Antiviral effects of novel 2-benzoxyl-phenylpyridine derivatives” Molecules 25,1409;doi:10.3390/molecules25061409

45.Rominah OD, Hu M,Wei Y,Hu KH * 2020 “Recent advances of enterovirus 71 3Cpro targeting inhibitors”Virology Journal 17:173 doi.org/10.1186/s12985-020-01430-x

46.Huang B,Ke D, Xiong Z,Wang Y, Hu K et al. 2020“Covalent hybrid materials between polyoxometalates and organic molecules for enhanced electrochemical properties”J Mater Sci Energy materials doi.org/10.1007/s10853-020-04404-0

47.张珊 陈忠伟 孟诗敏 丁庆林 钟自彪 魏艳红 叶启发胡康洪*2020“真核起始因子3e亚基与原发性肝癌的发生与发展正相关”世界华人消化杂志28(12):475-485

48.Zhen WT,Li HL,Hu KH et al.2021 “Chondromalacia patellae:current option and emerging cell therapies”Stem Cell Research & Therapy 12:412 doi.org/10.1186/s13287-021-02478-4

49.Zhang RJ, Bao J, Qiao JL,Li WS,Feng Q,Hu KH * and Sun BL* 2021 “Long-term efavirenz exposure induced neuroinflammation and cognitive deficits in C57BL/6 mice”Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 584:46-52

50.Chen Z,Wang Y,Wang X,Xiao Z,Wu P*,Hu K* 2022 “Rational design and synthesis of organic-inorganic hexavanadate hybrids with p-halogenated benzoyl ligands”Journal of Molecular Structure 1248:131451


1.胡康洪等“一种抗HBV诱饵适体及其筛选方法”发明专利授权号:ZL 201110410737.7

2.胡康洪等“利用慢病毒载体介导RNAi的方法”发明专利授权号:ZL 201110110644.2

3.胡康洪等“人原代肝细胞与肝非实质细胞共培养方法”发明专利授权号:ZL 201310282851.5

4.胡康洪“三维灌流式细胞培养器及其应用”发明专利授权号:ZL 201410024728.8

5.胡康洪等“N-甲酰基-3,4-亚甲二氧基苄基-γ-丁内酯在制备抗乙型肝炎病毒药物中的应用”发明专利授权号:ZL 201610407438.0

6.胡康洪等“一种批量简易移液枪头装盒装置”发明专利授权号:ZL 201510596259.1

7.魏艳红,胡康洪等“吡啶杂环酯类化合物在制备抗柯萨奇病毒B3型的药物中的应用”发明专利授权号:ZL 201611192749.6

8.魏艳红,胡康洪等“芳香酯类化合物在制备抗肠道病毒71型药物中的应用”发明专利授权号:ZL 201611192748.1

9.胡康洪“一种三维灌流式细胞分离器”实用新型专利授权号:ZL 201420033628.7


11.胡康洪等“一种用于深层挫裂伤的免缝合式医用拉链”实用新型专利授权号:ZL 201420699686.3

12.胡康洪等“一种防水雾型细胞培养箱” 实用新型专利授权号:ZL 202021376535.6

13.胡康洪等“一种可自动加样的细胞培养装置”实用新型专利授权号:ZL 202021375799.X


15.胡康洪等“一种具有实时监测和监测功能的细胞培养箱”实用新型专利授权号:ZL 202020994548.3

16.胡康洪 等“一种三维灌流式细胞培养器”实用新型发明专利授权号:ZL 201420033628.7

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