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姚 兰


职 称:副教授

学 历:博士




2016-06至2017-06,田纳西大学,访问学者,合作导师:Arthur Ragauskas 教授

2011-07至现在, 湖北工业大学,生物工程与食品学院,副教授


• 2014年,南湖学者学术骨干。

• 2015年指导学生获得省级优秀学士论文。

• 2015年在第十三届青年教师授课竞赛中获理工组三等奖。


• 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,21978074,生物正交化学方法用于植物细胞壁木质化过程作用机理的研究,2020-1至2023-12,66万元,在研,参与;

• 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,21878070,2H/13C双同位素示踪法研究纤维素-木素复合体的结构以及高效生化降解机制, 2019-1至2022-12,65万元,在研,参与;

• 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,31500496,蛋白质定点突变技术应用于木质素对纤维素酶无效吸附的深层机理研究,2016-01至2018-12,20万元,结题,主持

• 湖北省教育厅重点项目,酿酒酵母对木质纤维素预处理水解液中发酵抑制物的生理响应,2021-09至2023-09,4万元,在研,主持


(1)Yao L, Yang H, Yoo C, Chen C, Meng X, Dai J, Yang C, Yu J, Ragauskas A, Chen X. A mechanistic study of cellulase adsorption onto lignin. Green Chemistry, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/d0gc02463e.

(2) Yang H; Yoo C G; Meng X; Pu Y; Mucheroe W; Tuskane G A; Tschaplinskie T J; Ragauskas A J; Yao L*. Structural changes of lignins in natural Populus variants during different pretreatments. Bioresour. Technol., 2020, 295:122240-122246.

(3) Yao L; Yoo C G; Pu Y; Meng X; Muchero W; Tuskan G A; Tschaplinski T J; Ragauskas A J; Yang H. Physicochemical Changes of Cellulose and Their Influences on Populus trichocarpa Digestibility after Different Pretreatments. BioResources, 2019, 14: 9658-9676.

(4) Yao L; Chen C; Yoo C; Meng X; Li M; Pu Y, Ragauskas A; Dong C; Yang H. Insights of Ethanol Organosolv Pretreatment on Lignin Properties of Broussonetia papyrifera. ACS Sustainable Chem,. 2018, 6: 14767-14773.

(5) Yao L; Yang H; Yoo C; Meng X; Fang H; Wellington M; Gerald T; Tim T; Ragauskas A J. Understanding the influences of different pretreatments on recalcitrance of Populus clones. Bioresour. Technol., 2018, 265: 75-81.

(6) Yao L; Chang G Y; Meng X; Li M; Pu Y; Ragauskas A J; Yang H. A structured understanding of cellobiohydrolase I binding to poplar lignin fractions after dilute acid pretreatment. Biotechnol Biofuels, 2018,11:96-106.

(7)Yao L, Yang H, Yoo C, Meng X, Li M, Pu Y, Hao N, Ragauskas A J. characteristics of lignin Fractions from Dilute acid Pretreated switchgrass and Their effect on cellobiohydrolase from Trichoderma longibrachiatum. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2018.6:1-9.

(8)Yao L, Yang H, Ragauskas A J. Interaction of Lignin with Cellulase, a Key Role in Cellulosic Ethanol Production. Adv Biotech & Micro 2018, 8(1):1-2.

(9)Yao L, Yang H, Yoo C, Meng X, Li M, Pu Y, Ragauskas A J, Sykes RW. Adsorption of cellobiohydrolases I onto lignin fractions from dilute acid pretreated Broussonetia papyrifera. Bioresour. Technol., 2017, 244, 957-962. (SCI收录,中科院一区,IF=5.458)

(10)Yang H, Xie Y, Zheng X, Pu Y, Huang F, Meng X, Wu W, Ragauskas A, Yao L *, Comparative study of lignin characteristics from wheat straw obtainedby soda-AQ and kraft pretreatment and effect on the following enzymatic hydrolysis process, Bioresour. Technol., 2016,207:361-369. (SCI收录,中科院一区,IF=5.458)

(11)Yao L, Chen C, Zheng X, Peng Z, Yang H, Xie Y. Determination of Lignin-Carbohydrate Complexes Structure of Wheat Straw using Carbon-13 Isotope as a Tracer. BioResources, 2016, 11(3): 6692-6707. (SCI收录,中科院二区,IF=1.286)

(12)Yao L, Zhao J, Xie Y,Yang H, Qu Y. Effect of lignin structure and surfactant on cellulase adsorption by lignin. 2012, 63(8), 2612-2616. (EI收录)

(13)Yao L, Yue J, Zhao J, Dong J, Li X, Qu Y. Application of acidic wastewater from monosodium glutamate process in pretreatment and cellulase production for bioconversion of corn stover – Feasibility evaluation. Bioresour. Technol. 2010,101, 8755-8761. (SCI收录,中科院一区,IF=5.458)

上一篇: 杨 波
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