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杨 楠


职 称:教授,博士生导师

学 历:博士研究生




杨楠,博士,教授,博士生导师,湖北省相关人才项目入选者,湖北工业大学“南湖学者学术带头人”,湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者,湖北省百名优秀女性科技创新人才。主要研究方向食品软物质、食品胶体与界面、食品感官特性。2003获吉林大学理学学士、2006获吉林大学理学硕士、2011获加拿大西安大略大学博士学位;2011.9-2014.1任联合利华基础研究所高级研究员;2017.12-2018.12美国约翰霍普金斯大学CSC访问学者。主持国家自然科学基金2项,湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年基金,教育厅重点项目,湖北工业大学杰出人才基金、优秀青年基金获得者,在Food Hydrocolloids,Carbohydrate Polymers,Journal of Colloid & Interface Science,Soft Matter,Langmuir, Annual Review of Food Science & Technology等权威期刊上发表SCI/EI论文50余篇,他引1000余次,h-index 16,申请专利5项,担任Food HydrocolloidsCarbohydrate Polymers,Soft MatterFood Chemistry、J. American Oil Chemists' Society等期刊审稿人.


· 湖北工业大学第二届研究生“良师益友”导师获得者(2023-2024)

· 湖北工业大学南湖学者学术带头人(2022-至今)

· 湖北省百名优秀女性科技创新人才(2020)

· 湖北工业大学优秀教师(2019)

· 湖北省青年科技晨光计划获得者(2019)

· 湖北工业大学南湖学者学术带头人(2016-2020)

· 湖北省相关人才计划入选者(2015-至今)

· 湖北工业大学优秀班导师(2019)

· 湖北工业大学雁临优秀青年教师(2017)

· 湖北工业大学优秀教师(2016)

· 联合利华杰出研究员(2013)


· 湖北省国际科技合作项目,植物蛋白质组装体模拟肉类肌原纤维结构力学特性研究, 2022.09-2024.10,主要执行人,在研;

· 国家自然科学基金(NSFC)青年基金,32202049,线性及非线性界面流变学与微凝胶乳液稳定性关联机制研究,2023.01-2025.12,主要参与人,在研;

· 湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年基金,2021CFA070,基于界面微流变学的pH-响应性微凝胶界面的机制与调控研究,2021.10-2024.10,主持,在研;

· 湖北工业大学绿色工业引领计划-杰出人才基金,蛋白质自组装聚集体功能利用关键技术研究,2022.01-2023.12,主持,在研;

· 湖北新业烟草薄片开发有限公司,加热卷烟专用薄片物理指标检测及其与加工的相关性研究,2022.03-2023.12,主持;

· 111计划国际合作项目,XBTK2020009, pH-响应性微凝胶的界面微观流变学,2019.12-2021.12,主持,在研;

· 教育部发酵工程重点实验室开放课题,202009FE24,多糖对天然油脂调乳液稳定性影响研究,主持,在研;

· 中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)面上基金,31571797,基于原子力显微镜的天然油脂体微观力学性能研究,2016.01-2019.12,主持,在研;

· 中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)青年基金,31401649,典型食品乳液体系的微流变学性能研究,2015.01-2017.12,26万,主持,结题;

· 湖北省教育厅科学技术研究计划重点项目, D20181403,蛋白质聚集体在油/水界面的微观流变学研究, 2018.1-2021.12,主持;

· 湖北工业大学绿色工业引领计划-优秀青年基金,YXQN2016001,天然油脂体利用的关键科学问题研究,2016.01-2018.12,主持

· 湖北工业大学高层人才启动基金,湖工大人(人才)[2014]8号,GCRC14001,典型食品乳液体系的微流变学性能, 2014.01-2018.12,主持


1. Bao Zhang, Ruisheng Jiang, Kexin Dong, Jing Li, Yan Zhang, Behrouz Ghorani, Bahareh Emadzadeh,Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Nan Yang*. Controlling solvent polarity to regulate protein self-assembly morphology and its universal insight for protein self-assembly mechanism,Langmuir.2024, accepted.

2. Chengxin Zhu,Yantao Liu, Jinhui Ma, Yongjia Chen, Xianwei Pan, Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Nan Yang*. New insight in characterization of red wine astringency using soft tribology method,Journal of Texture Studies,2024, 55(1), e12820, 1-17.

3. Fusheng Sun, Chuanxin Pan, YanTao Liu,Nan Yang*, Carboxymethyl tamarind seed polysaccharide/chitosan complexes through electrostatic interaction stabilize high internal phase emulsions: Roles of the mass ratio and oil-water interfacial activity,LWT- Food Science and Technology,195, 2024, 115833.

4. Danial Dehnad, Behrouz Ghorani*, Bahareh Emadzadeh, Fuyuan Zhang,Nan Yang, Seid Mahdi Jafari*. Electrospinning of legume proteins: Fundamentals, fiber production, characterization, and applications with a focus on soy proteins,Food Hydrocolloids151,2024, 109795.

5. Katsuyoshi Nishinari*, Sayaka Ishihara, Makoto Nakauma*, Takahiro Funami, Chengxin Zhu, Ke Zhang,Nan Yang, Chaiwut Gamonpilas, Yapeng Fang*, et al., Rheology of bolus as a wet granular matter-Influence of saliva on rheology of polysaccharide gel beads.Food Hydrocolloids,2024, 150, 109704.

6. Danial Dehnad, Bahareh Emadzadeh*, Behrouz Ghorani, Elham Assadpour,Nan Yang, Seid Mahdi Jafari*, The influence of high hydrostatic pressure on different properties of legume proteins with an emphasis on soy proteins; a comprehensive review,Food Hydrocolloids,2024, 146, 109188.

7. Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Marie-Agnes Peyron,Nan Yang, et al. The role of texture in the palatability and food oral processing.Food Hydrocolloids,2024, 147, 109095.

8. Jing Li,Zhen Zhen Li,Congcong Xu,Yan Zhang,Behrouz Ghorani,Bahareh Emadzadeh,Nan Yang*, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Interfacial properties of protein nanofibrils with different morphology prepared using aqueous solvent with ethanol: Part II. Effect of oil phase hydrophobicity.Food Hydrocolloids,2023, 143, 108879.

9.Nan Yang*, Jing Li,Bao Zhang,Yongqi Huang, Behrouz Ghorani,Bahareh Emadzadeh,Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Interfacial properties of protein nanofibrils with different morphology prepared using aqueous solvent with ethanol: Part I. Preparation and characterization,Food Hydrocolloids,2023, 142, 108754.

10.Nan Yang*, Yuemei Zhang, Chunxia Su, Junji Jia, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, The effect of ALG on the nanomechanical properties and interaction between oil body droplets studied using atomic force microscopy,Food Hydrocolloids,2023, 140, 108587.

11. Yan Zhang, Yantao Liu, Fusheng Sun,Nan Yang*, 3D heteroatom-doped graphene-wrapped flexible carbon fiber microsensor for real-time hydrogen peroxide detection in live cancer cells,Analytica Chimca Acta,2023, 611(A), 155655.

12. Fusheng Sun, Qian Wang, Chao Gao, Hong Xiao,Nan Yang*, Effect of extraction pH and heat treatment on the composition and interfacial properties of peanut oil bodies,Colloids and Surfaces A,2023, 656(A), 130351.

13. Jing Li, Bao Zhang, Jing Ye, Yantao Liu,Nan Yang*, Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Nonlinear dilatational rheology of different protein aggregates at the oil-water interface,Soft Matter,2022, 18, 2383-2393.

14. Chen Huang, Fusheng Sun, Xuxi Ma, Chao Gao,Nan Yang*, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Hydrophobically modified chitosan microgels stabilize high internal phase emulsions with high compliance,Carbohydrate Polymers,2022,288, 119277.

15. Ping Huang, Chen Huang, Xuxi Ma, Chao Gao, Fusheng Sun,Nan Yang*, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Yapeng Fang, Effect of pH on the mechanical, interfacial, and emulsification properties of chitosan microgels,Food Hydrocolloids,2021, 121,106972.

16.Nan Yang*, Jing Ye, Jing Li, Bing Hu, Robert L. Leheny*, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Yapeng Fang*, Interfacial behaviour of β-lactoglobulin aggregates at the oil–water interface studied using particle tracking and dilatational rheology,Soft Matter,2021,17: 2973-2984.

17.Nan Yang, Younan Feng, Chuanxia Su, Yuemei Zhang, Qian Wang, Yanhong Wei, Meng Zhao, Katsuyoshi Nishinari and Yapeng Fang, Structure and tribology of κ-carrageenan gels filled with natural oil bodies,Food Hydrocolloids,2020, 105945.

18.Nan Yang, Chuanxia Su, Yuemei Zhang, Junji Jia, Robert L. Leheny, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Yapeng Fang andGlyn. O. Phillips, “In situ nanomechanical properties of natural oil bodies studied using atomic force microscopy”,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2020,570, 362-374.

19. Yao Xu,Nan Yang, Jixin Yang, Jing Hu, Ke Zhang, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Glyn O. Phillips, Yapeng Fang*, Protein/Polysaccharide Intramolecular Electrostatic Complex as Superior Food-Grade Foaming Agent,Food Hydrocolloids,2020,101, 105474.

20.Nan Yang,Ruihe Lv, Junji Jia, Katsuyoshi Nishinari and Yapeng Fang*,“Application of microrheology in Food Science”,Annual Review of Food Science and Technology,2017, 8(23) 493-521.

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