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学 历:博士





刘教授致力于肿瘤免疫及溶瘤病毒研究,在溶瘤病毒领域的研发工作达到国际领先水平。其在英国负责研发的抗癌新药T-VEC,是第一个临床III期试验证明有效的溶瘤病毒。已获美国FDA及欧盟EMEA批准上市销售。2011年初,T-VEC被Amgen公司以10亿美金收购。归国后,刘滨磊教授带领国内研究团队研发出具有抗癌疗效更强的肿瘤免疫治疗药物“溶瘤性II型单纯疱疹病毒”。该项目目前已完成临床前研究,获得国家药品监督管理局药物临床试验批件(批件号:2018L02743),并开始了临床研究。刘滨磊教授还创造性地将溶瘤单纯疱疹病毒应用于肿瘤的诊断,这是一个全新的、应用前景广阔的领域。其它研究领域还涉及溶瘤病毒与肿瘤微环境的关系、溶瘤病毒激活抗肿瘤免疫及溶瘤病毒杀伤肿瘤干细胞的机制等。已获得的立项资助有重大新药创制、973、863、十二五支撑项目、自然科学基金等。迄今为止,已在国内外杂志发表30余篇科研论文。其中多篇在国际著名杂志Human gene therapy、病毒学一流杂志(Journal of Virology)和基因治疗一流杂志(Gene Therapy)上发表。





1997/07-2000/02, 英国南安普顿大学,分子微生物系,博士后研究员







1.肿瘤免疫治疗 2.生物制药 3.溶瘤病毒





4.2012-2015, 973,项目《恶性肿瘤免疫负调控网络》,批准号:2012CB917104,140万,子课题负责人

5.2012-2015, 863,项目《疫苗研发关键技术及产品研发》,批准号:2012AA02A407, 37,子课题负责人











1.Wen Zhang, Xiao Hu, Jing Liang, Yujie Zhu, Beibei Zeng, Lin Feng, Changyun Zhao, Shangmei Liu, Binlei Liu*, and Kaitai Zhang. oHSV2 Can Target Murine Colon Carcinoma by Altering the Immune Status of the Tumor Microenvironment and Inducing Antitumor Immunity. Molecular Therapy Oncolytics, 2020, vol. 16

2.Han Hu, Ziyi Zhang, Runyang Wang, Yang Wang, Jing Jin, Linkang Cai, Junhan Yang, Haixiao Duan, Zhen Wu, Zhizheng Fang, Binlei Liu*. BGC823 Cell Line with the Stable Expression of iRFP720 Retains Its Primary Properties with Promising Fluorescence Imaging Ability. DNA and Cell Biology, 2020, DOI: 10.1089/dna.2019.5057

3.Linkang Cai, Han Hu, Haixiao Duan, Yuying Li, Zongxing Zou, Kailun Luo, Ziyi Zhang, Junhan Yang, Jing Jin1, Ying Chen, Zonghuang Ke, Zongyao Fang, Qiong Liu, Xiaoqian Hong, Sheng Hu, Binlei Liu*. The construction of a new oncolytic herpes simplex virus expressing murine interleukin-15 with gene-editing technology. Journal of Medical Virology, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/jmv.25691

4.Yujie Zhu, Xiao Hu, Lin Feng, Zhenrong Yang, Lulin Zhou, Xinchun Duan, Shujun Cheng, Wen Zhang, Binlei Liu*, Kaitai Zhang. Enhanced therapeutic efficacy of a novel oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 2 encoding an antibody against programmed cell death 1. Molecular Therapy: Oncolytics, 2019, 15: 201-213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omto.2019.10.003.

5.Han Hu, Runyang Wang, Ziyi Zhang, Haixiao Duan, Yang Wang, Jing Jin, Ying Chen, Zhen Wu, Zhizheng Fang, Binlei Liu*. PiggyBac-modified CD19-expressing 4T1 cell line for the evaluation of CAR construct. Int J Clin Exp Pathol., 2019, 12(7):

6.Wen Zhang*, Feifei Wang*, Xiao Hu, Jing Liang, Binlei Liu, Qi Guan, Shangmei Liu. Inhibition of colorectal cancer liver metastasis in BALB/c mice following intratumoral injection of oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 2 for the induction of specific antitumor immunity. Oncology Letters, 2019, 17: 815-822.

7.Preclinical safety evaluation of oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 2. Wang Yang, Zhou Xiaobing, Wu Zhen, Hu Han, Jin Jing, Hu Yanping, Dong Yuting, Zou Jianwen, Mao Zeyong, Shi Xiaotai, Huo Yan, Lyu Jianjun, Fang Zhizheng, Zhang Wen, Zhu Yujie, Li Bo, Liu Binlei*. Human Gene therapy, 2018, DOI: 10.1089/hum.2018.170.

8.Stability and anti-tumor effect of oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 2. Wang Yang, Jing Jin, Zhen Wu, Sheng Hu, Han Hu, Zhifeng Ning, Yanfei Li, Yuting Dong, JianwenZou, Zeyong Mao, Xiaotai Shi, Huajun Zheng, Shuang Dong, Fuxing Liu, Zhizheng Fang, Jiliang Wu and Binlei Liu*. Oncotarget, 2018, 9:24672-24683.

9.Yang HB, Peng T, Li J, Zhang W, Zhang P, Peng S, Du T, Li YF, Yan Q, Liu BL*; Treatment of colon cancer with oncolytic herpes simplex virus in preclinical models. Gene Therapy 2016, 23(5):450.

10.Zhang W, Bao L, Yang SX, Qian ZY, Dong M, Yin LY, Zhao Q, Ge KL, Deng ZL, Zhang J, Qi F, An ZX , Yu Y, Wang QB, Wu RH, Fan F, Zhang LF, Chen XP, Na YJ , Feng L, Li J, Zhang Y, Dong Y, Zhang SR, Zhang YH , Zhang XQ , Wang J, Yi X, Zou L, Xin HW, Ditzel HJ, Gao H, Zhang KT, Liu BL*, Cheng SJ; Tumor-selective replication herpes simplex virus-based technology significantly improves clinical detection and prognostication of viable circulating tumor cells. Oncotarget 2016, 7(26):39768.

11.Zhang W, Ge K, Zhao Q, Li J, Zhang Y, Dong Y, Zhang S, Liu B *; A novel oncolytic herpes simplex virus type-1 targeting telomerase reverse transcriptase-positive cancer cells via tumor-specific promoters regulating the expression of ICP4. Oncotarget, 2015,6:20345-20355.

12.Zhao Q, Zhang W, Zhuang X, Li J, Zhang Y, Dong Y, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Liu S, Liu B*; A novel oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 2 has potent anti-tumor activity. PLOS ONE 2014, 9(3):e93103.

13.Guilan Shi, Chunxia Zhou, Dongmei Wang, Wenbo Ma, Binlei Liu*, Shuren Zhang; Antitumor enhancement by adoptive transfer of tumor antigen primed, inactivated MHC-haploidentical lymphocyte. Cancer Letter 2014, 343:42-50.

14.Zhuang X, Wen Zhang, Chen Y, Han X, Li J, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Liu B*; Doxorubicin-enriched, ALDHbr mouse breast cancer stem cells are treatable to oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 1. BMC Cancer 2012, 12:549.

15.Tang Y-S, Wang D, Zhou C, Ma W, Zhang Y-Q, Liu B* and Zhang S; Bacterial magnetic particles as a novel and efficient gene vaccine delivery system. Gene Therapy 2012 Dec;19(12):1187-1195. IF4.538

16.Zhao L, Liu BL*, Ren J, Feng J, Pang Z, Gao J, Zhang H, Tan WJ, Tian HW, Ruan L; Immunogenicity in mice and rhesus monkeys vaccinated with recombinant vaccinia virus expressing bivalent E7E6 fusion proteins from human papillomavirus types 16 and 18. Virology Journal 2011, 8:302 . IF2.546

17.Han ZQ, Assenberg M, Liu BL, Wang YB, Simpson G, Thomas S, Coffin RS; Development of a second-generation oncolytic Herpes simplex virus expressing TNF for cancer therapy. The Journal of Gene Medicine 2007 Jan; 9(2):99-106

18.Simpson GR, Han ZQ, Liu BL, Wang YB, Campbell G and Coffin RS; Combination of a fusogenic glycoprotein prodrug activation, and oncolytic herpes simplex virus for enhanced local tumour control. Cancer Res. 2006 May 1;66 (9):4835-4842 16651439

19.Liu BL, Robinson M, Han ZQ, Branston RH, English C, Reay P, McGrath Y, Thomas SK, Thornton M, Bullock P, Love CA, Coffin RS; ICP34.5 deleted herpes simplex virus with enhanced oncolytic, immune stimulating, and anti-tumour properties. Gene Therapy. 2003 Feb;10(4):292-303.

20.Deng Y, Batten CA, Liu BL, Lambden PR, Elschner M, Gunther H, Otto P, Schnurch P, Eichhorn W, Herbst W, Clarke IN.; Studies of epidemiology and seroprevalence of bovine noroviruses in Germany. J Clin Microbiol. 2003 Jun;41(6):2300-5

21.Everson JS, Garner SA, Fane B, Liu BL, Lambden PR, Clarke IN.; Biological properties and cell tropism of Chp2, a bacteriophage of the obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydophila abortus. J Bacteriol. 2002 May; 184(10):2748-54

22.Liu, B-L., Everson, J. S., Giannikopoulou, P., Vretou, E., Lambden, P.R., and Clarke, I.N.; Molecular characterization of a bacteriophage from Chlamydia psittaci. Journal of Virology. 74, 3464-3469 (2000).

23.Christodoulides, M., Everson, J. S., Liu, B-L., Lambden, P.R., Thomas, E., Watt, P.J., and Heckels, J.E.; Interaction of primary human endometrial cells with Nessaria gonorrhoea expressing green fluorescent protein. Molecular Microbiology. 35(1), 32-43 (2000).

24.Liu, B-L., Lambden, P.R.,. Gunther, H., Otto, P., Elschner, M and Clarke, I.N.; Molecular characterisation of a bovine enteric calicivirus: relationship to the Norwalk-like viruses. Journal of Virology 73, 819-825 (1999).

25.Liu, B-L., Viljoen G.J., Clarke, I.N. and Lambden, P.R.; Identification of further proteolytic cleavage sites in the Southampton calicivirus polyprotein by expression of the viral protease in E.coli. Journal of General virology 80, 291-296 (1999).

26.Pelosi, E, Lambden, P.R., Caul, E.O., Liu, B-L., Dingle, K., Deng Y. and Clarke, I.N.; The seroepidemiology of genogroup 1 and genogroup 2 Norwalk-like viruses in Italy. Journal of Medical Virology 58:1, 93-9 (1999).

27.Noel, J.S., Liu, B.L., Humphrey, E.M., Rodrriguez, E.M., Lambden, P.R., Clarke, I.N., Dwyer, D.M., Ando. T. Monroe, S.S. and Glass, R.I.; Human calicivirus associated with an outbreak of gastroenteritis in adults: A novel genetic variant in the Sapporo virus clade. J. Med. Virol. 52, 173 - 178 (1997).

28.Liu, B-L., Clarke, I.N., Caul, E.O. and Lambden, P.R.; The genomic 5’ terminus of Manchester calicivirus. Virus Genes 15:1, 25-28 (1997)

29.Liu, B-L., Clarke, I.N., and Lambden, P.R.; Polyprotein processing in Southampton Virus: Identification of 3C protease cleavage sites by in vitro mutagenesis Journal of Virology. 70, 2605-2610 (1996).

30.Liu, B-L., Clarke, I.N., Caul, E.O. and Lambden, P.R.; Human enteric caliciviruses have a unique genome structure and are distinct from the Norwalk-like viruses. Archives of Virology 140, 1345-1356 (1995).

31.Lambden, P.R., Liu, B-L., and Clarke, I.N.; A conserved sequence motif at the 5´ terminus of the Southampton virus genome is characteristic of the Caliciviridae. Virus Genes 10:2, 149-152 (1995).







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