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彭良才,2006年教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授,博士生导师。主持教育部/科技部高等学校学科创新引智基地、国家转基因重大专项、重点研发计划等国家级科研项目10余项。研究工作覆盖多个学科领域,如:生物能源、植物学、农学、化学、材料学、环境科学、工程学等。澳大利亚国立大学留学,以及美国加州大学伯克利分校、戴维斯分校工作期间,研究成果两次发表在Science期刊,引用次数2300余次Science, Nature Communications, Biotechnology Advances,Green Chemistry, Carbohydrate Polymers, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy,Bioresource Technology, Biotechnology for Biofuels, Plant Biotechnology Journal,Plant Physiology,Nucleic Acids Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文120余篇,被引6600余次,ESI高被引论文4篇,h指数43。授权中国和国际专利11项,参编英文专著2部。已指导博士生40余名、硕士生100余名。


















1)Peng, L., Kawagoe, Y., Hogan, P., Delmer, D.*(2002)Sitosterolb-1,4-glucoside as primer for cellulose synthesis in plants.Science. 295: 147-150,(IF: 63.714; Times Cited: 768;中科院一区)

2)Arioli, T.,Peng L., Betzner, A. S., Burn, J., Wittke, W., Herth, W., Camilleri, C., Hofte, H., Plazinski, J., Birch, R., Cork, A., Glover, J., Redmond, J., Williamson, R. E.*(1998)Molecular analysis of cellulose biosynthesis inArabidopsis.Science. 279: 717-720,(IF: 63.714; Times Cited: 1554;中科院一区)

3)Zhang, R.#, Hu, Z.#, Wang, Y., Hu, H., Li, F., Li, M., Ragauska, A., Xia, T., Ha, H., Tang, J., Yu, H.*, Xu, B.*,Peng, L.*(2023) Single-molecular insights into the breakpoint of cellulose nanofibers assembly during saccharification.Nature Communications. 14: 1100,(IF: 17.694; Times cited: 6;中科院一区)

4)Yu, H., Hu, M., Hu, Z., Liu, F., Yu, H., Yang, Q., Gao, H., Xu, C., Wang, M., Zhang, G., Wang, Y., Xia, T., Peng, L.,Wang, Y.* (2022) Insights into pectin dominated enhancements for elimination of toxic Cd and coupled with ethanol production in desirable lignocelluloses.Carbohydrate Polymers.286:119298,(IF:11.2;Times cited: 9;中科院一区)

5)Wang M#, Yang D#, Lu Q, Liu L, Cai Z, Wang Y, Wang HH, Wang P*, Nie Z*. (2022) Spatially reprogramed receptor organization to switch cell behavior using a DNA origami-templated aptamer nanoarray.Nano Letters.22, 8445-8454.(IF:10.8;中科院一区)

6)Madadi, M. Wang, Y., Xu, C., Liu, P., Wang, Y., Xia, T.,Tu, Y., Lin, X., Song, B., Yang, X., Zhu, W., Duanmu, D., Tang, S.*,Peng, L.*(2021) Using Amaranthus green proteins as universal biosurfactant and biosorbent for effective enzymatic degradation of diverse lignocellulose residues and efficient multiple trace metals remediation of farming lands.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 406:124727,(IF: 14.224; Times cited: 47;中科院一区)

7)Zhang, R., Hu, H., Wang, Y., Hu, Z., Ren, S., Li, J., He, B., Wang, Y., Xia, T., Chen, P., Xie, G.,Peng, L.*(2020) A novel ricefragile culm 24mutant encodes a UDP-glucose epimerase that affects cell wall properties and photosynthesisJournal of Experimental Botany. 71: 2956-2969,(IF: 7.298; Times cited: 25;中科院一区)

8)Wu, L.,#Feng, S.,#Deng, J., Yu, B., Wang, Y., He, B., Peng, H., Li, Q., Hu, R.,*Peng, L.*(2019)Altered carbon assimilation and cellulose accessibility to maximize bioethanol yield under low-cost biomass processing in corn brittle stalk.Green Chemistry.21: 4388–4399,(IF: 11.034; Times Cited: 41;中科院一区)

9)Cheng, L., Wang, L., Wei, L., Wu, Y.,Alam, A., Xu, C., Wang, Y., Tu, Y., Peng, L., Xia, T.*(2019) Combined mild chemical pretreatments for complete cadmium release and cellulosic ethanol co-production distinctive in wheat mutant straw.Green Chemistry.21: 3693-3700,(IF: 11.034; Times Cited: 40;中科院一区)

10)Li, Y., Liu, P., Huang, J., Zhang, R., Hu, Z., Feng, S., Wang, Y., Wang, L., Xia, T.,*Peng, L.* (2018)Mild chemical pretreatments are sufficient for bioethanol production in transgenic rice straws overproducing glucosidase.Green Chemistry.20: 2047-2056,(IF: 11.034; Times Cited: 72;中科院一区)

11)Hu, H., Zhang, R., Dong, S., Li, Y., Fan, C., Wang, Y., Xia, T., Chen, P., Feng, S., Persson, S.,Peng, L.*(2018) AtCSLD3 and GhCSLD3 mediate root growth and cell elongation downstream of the ethylene response pathway inArabidopsis.Journal of Experimental Botany. 69: 1065-1080,(IF: 7.298; Times cited: 23;中科院一区)

12)Li, F.#, Xie, G.#, Huang, J., Zhang, R., Li, Y., Zhang, M., Wang, Y.,Li, A., Li, X., Xia, T., Qu, C., Hu, F., Ragauskas, A.,Peng, L.*(2017) OsCESA9 conserved-site mutation leads to largely enhanced plant lodging resistance and biomass enzymatic saccharification by reducing cellulose DP and crystallinity in rice.Plant Biotechnology Journal. 15: 1093-1104,(IF: 13.8; Times cited: 121;中科院一区)

13)Zahoor, Sun, D., Li, Y., Wang, J., Tu, Y., Wang, Y., Hu, Z., Zhou, S., Wang, L., Xie, G., Huang, J., Alam, A.,Peng, L.*(2017) Biomass saccharification is largely enhanced by altering wall polymer features and reducing silicon accumulation in rice cultivars harvested from nitrogen fertilizer supply.Bioresource Technology.243: 957-965,(IF: 11.889; Times Cited: 32;中科院一区)

14)Fan, C., Feng, S., Huang, J., Wang, Y., Wu, L., Li, X., Wang, L., Xia, T., Li, J., Cai, X.,Peng, L.*(2017)AtCesA8-drivenOsSUS3expression leads to largely enhanced biomass saccharifcation and lodging resistance by distinctively altering lignocellulose features in rice.Biotechnology for Biofuels. 10: 221,(IF: 7.67; Times cited: 70;中科院一区)

15)Wang, Y.#, Fan, C.#, Hu, H., Li, Y., Sun, D., Wang, Y.,Peng L.*(2016) Genetic modification of plant cell walls to enhance biomass yield and biofuel production in bioenergy crops.Biotechnology Advances. 34(5): 997-1017,(IF: 17.681; Times Cited: 168;中科院一区)

16)Jin, W., Chen, L., Hu, M., Sun, D., Li, A., Li, Y., Hu, Z., Zhou, S., Tu, Y., Xia, T., Wang, Y., Xie, G., Li, Y., Bai, B.,Peng L.*(2016)Tween-80 is effective for enhancing steam-exploded biomass enzymatic saccharification and ethanol production by specifically lessening cellulase absorption with lignin in common reed.Applied Energy.175: 82-90,(IF: 11.446; Times Cited: 158; ESI高被引论文;中科院一区)

17)Li, F.#, Zhang, M.#, Guo, K., Hu, Z., Zhang, R., Feng, Y., Yi, X., Zou, W., Wang, L., Wu, C., Tian, J., Lu, T., Xie, G.*,Peng L.* (2015)High-level arabinose predominately affects cellulose crystallinity for genetic enhancing both plant lodging resistance and biomass enzymatic digestibility in rice mutants.Plant Biotechnology Journal. 13: 514-525,(IF: 13.8, Times Cited: 141;中科院一区)

18)Zhang, W., Yi Z., Huang, J., Li, F., Hao, B., Li, M., Hong, S., Lv, Y., Sun, W., Ragauskas, A., Hu, F., Peng, J.,Peng L.* (2013)Three lignocellulose features that distinctively affect biomass enzymatic digestibility under NaOH and H2SO4pretreatments inMiscanthus.Bioresource Technology. 130: 30-37,(IF: 11.889; Times Cited: 133;中科院一区)

19)Xu, N., Zhang, W., Ren, S., Liu, F., Zhao, C., Liao, H., Xu, Z., Li, Q., Tu, Y., Yu, B., Wang, Y., Jiang, J., Qin, J.,Peng L.* (2012)Hemicelluloses negatively affect lignocellulose crystallinity for high biomass digestibility under NaOH and H2SO4pretreatments inMiscanthus.Biotechnology for Biofuels. 5(1): 58,(IF: 7.67; Times cited: 296;中科院一区)

20)王艳婷,徐正丹,彭良才.* (2014).植物细胞壁沟槽结构与生物质利用研究展望.中国科学:生命科学. 44(8): 766-774,(被引次数: 64)

21)彭良才. (2011)论中国生物能源发展的根本出路[J].华中农业大学学报. (2): 1-6,(被引次数: 128)


1)Arioli, T., Williamson, R. E., Betzner, A. S.,Peng, L.Manipulation of cellulose and/or beta–1,4-glucan. International Patent Application No. PCT/AU97/ 00402, ANU and CSIRO, Australia

2)彭良才,夏涛,彭昊,胡振,刘鹏,王艳婷,张冉,涂媛苑,一种高效诱导里氏木霉产酶的水稻纤维素纳米纤维及其应用,授权专利号:ZL 2021 11544110.0

3)彭良才,夏涛,王艳婷,余海忠,郝勃,何博洋,魏小洋,涂芬,熊科,一株高效代谢木糖的转基因酿酒酵母工程菌E4及其应用,授权专利号:ZL 2021 10149633.9

4)彭良才,王友梅,王艳婷,涂媛苑,夏涛,汤尚文,丰胜求,山姆,徐成宝,余华,一种促进生物质材料产醇的方法,授权专利号:ZL 2020 10267807.7

5)何博洋,汪哲,徐梓瑄,赖焱楠,隋宪鑫,高海荣,康恒,王艳婷,夏涛,彭良才,一种新型基于纳米气泡石分离和检测乙醇浓度的装置,授权专利号:ZL 2020 21958979.0

6)何博洋,何艺涛,赖炎楠,隋宪鑫,丰胜求,彭良才一种高通量检测小样微生物发酵乙醇浓度装置.授权专利号:ZL 2019 21107812.0

7)彭良才,范春芬,丰胜求,李英,夏涛,王令强,利用伸展蛋白提高水稻抗倒伏能力的方法,授权专利号:ZL 2017 10034163.5

8)王令强,彭良才,谢国生,朱晓博,胡慧贞,一种LR酶可识别和作用的位点对和引物对及质粒构建方法,授权专利号:ZL 2017 10150563.2

9)王令强,彭良才,谢国生,胡慧贞,朱晓博,张贵粉一种LR酶可识别和作用的位点对和引物对及质粒构建方法,授权专利号:ZL 2017 10150895.0

10)彭良才,丰胜求,谢国生,王令强,王艳婷,李英,范春芬,孙海燕,胡慧贞,利用外切葡聚糖酶提高水稻秸秆降解转化效率的方法,授权专利号:ZL 2016 11079476.4

11)彭良才,郝勃,夏涛,涂媛苑,王艳婷,涂芬,熊科,魏小洋,一株利用木糖高效发酵乙醇的转基因工程酿酒酵母SF4,授权专利号:ZL 2016 11019716.1






沈阳农业大学(李丰成)、西南大学(范春芬)、广西大学(黄江锋)、西湖大学(李傲)、西南林业大学(胡慧贞)、云南大学(张冉)、山西农业大学(张威、李旭凯、唐娇艳、张会、王友梅、胡振、安徽农业大学(吴雷明)、李先良(荆楚理工学院)、孙海燕(常熟理工学院)、侶胜利(贵州凯迪学院)、江南大学(Madadi Meysam)、江苏大学(Zahoor等。














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