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Jie Zhou

来源:jgxy 时间:2023-10-16 作者:jgxy 编辑:jgxy 点击:

Basic Information


Gender: Female

Degree: PhD in Economics

Title: Associate Professor


Courses: Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance

Tutor:Master degree

Research Area: capital market, behavioral finance

Academic Background

From October 2002 to Dec 2003, University of Birmingham, Master's degree of Money,Banking and Finance;

From October 2004 to August 2009, University of York, PhD in Economics.

From September 2011 to August 2013, University of Zurich, Research Associate.

Enrollment Information

1. Enrollment Discipline: Business Administration

2. Research direction: Corporate Governance, Financial Management

3. Enrollment Year: 2023-2024

Recent Research work

Research Projects:

[1] Hubei Provincial Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation "Research on the Influence Mechanism of Unreasonable Factors on Manager Innovation Activities". 2016

[2] Hubei Province Soft Science Project "Research on the Relationship between Enterprise Innovation Investment and Cash Holding Policy in Hubei Province: From the Perspective of Managers' Overconfidence". 2017

[3] Humanities and Social Sciences of Hubei Provincial Department of Education Foundation "Social Embedded Collaborative Innovation Catalysis Mechanism - Big Data Analysis Based on Chinese Listed Companies". 2019

Published Papers:

[1] Empirical Analysis of Banks' Discretionary Loan Loss Provision Decision - Based on Manager's Irrational Cognitive Bias [1/1] (2019, Financial and Accounting Communication).

[2] Analysis of Changes in Cash Holdings of Listed Companies in China - R&D Investment Drivers from the Perspective of Unreasonable Expectations of Managers [1/1] (2019, Financial and Accounting Monthly).

[3] Empirical Analysis on the Decision Mechanism of Enterprise Cash Holding in the Context of Online Media [1/1] (2020, Research on Technology Economy and Management).

[4] The impact of the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis on banks’ Disclosure and its economic consequences,(2016, The International Journal of Accounting).

上一篇: Xiaoyan Zhu
下一篇: Hongyang Yu